At the meeting, the chief linguist of the La Dade Kotopon Traditional Council, Mr. Bashiru Ahmed Saani took the opportunity to introduce the cultural consul to the elders of the traditional consul.
Upon the introduction of the consul and the statement of purpose for our visit which was to continue an old alliance and to further build a strong cultural ties between the Islamic Republic and the people of La Dade Kotopon: the council elders welcomed the consul and permitted to address the council.
In his speech, the consul first of all invoked the 44th anniversary of the Islamic revolution and sent festive greetings on behalf of the people of Iran and on behalf of the Ambassador of the Islamic republic of Iran in Ghana to the council and people of La Dade-kotopon.
He then drew similarities between the history of Ghana as the first sub-Saharan African country to gain its independence and the Islamic republic of Iran which was also under the influence of colonialist and which is still fighting against imperialism and western hegemony.
The consul also further iterated that Ghana is a strong and potent country with intellectual and progressive people and has a fertile ground for cultural cooperation. In this regard he stated: “we are here to in order to share our culture with you and to seek your guidance as we run our cultural programs in this city”.
He also expressed his delight for haven been welcome by the traditional council of the La Dade Kotopon and expressed hope that this meeting as well as continuing an old alliance would also serve as an opening for future cooperation. The consul again mentioned that one of the gestures that could be used to foster the relationship between these two outfits is the reciprocal naming of streets and alleys in both countries after important personalities these respective communities.
The traditional council –which was attended by Major Gen. Nii S.A. Odotei (Rtd), Ag. Dzasetse, Nii Obodai Adai IV, La Mankralo, Nii Kotey Amli IV, Klannaa Akutsotse, Nii J.T. Aryeh, Stool Secretary, Nii Okoe Adjei-Mensah, Stool Treasurer, Nii Ablade Glovo Kowe, representative/council advisor amongst others- on their part gave a very warm welcome to the consul and also affirmed the long standing relationship between the consulate and the La traditional council. They also reiterated the shared history that both Ghana and the Islamic republic has with regards to colonialist and imperialism. They expressed hope that this relationship would continue into the future.
The La Mankralo Nii Obodai Adai IV, had the following to say: “the relationship between Iran and the council I a long standing one, the last consul visited us here in 2015 and we are open to a continued mutual relationship. Our doors are open to you at all times, and when the need arises, we shall also call upon you”
At the end of the meeting, the cultural consul presented a gift of handmade traditional Iranian bronze and wood craft as well as the Iranian Flag. Which was received by the council. The frame was a bronze made craft of a “simurgh” which is an important mythical creature in ancient Iranian folklore which has retained its relevance to the present time. A gift of such nature (handmade portrait of an important cultural symbol) is meant to show cultural solidarity with the people of and traditional council of La Dade Kotopon and the Ga people as a whole.
A group picture of the consul and the council members was taken for posterity after the meetings.
During an interview with the crew of Pan African TV, the consul was asked whether this extension of cultural solidarity was reserved only for the Ga people to which he responded: “our aim is to reach out to the people of Ghana as a whole, of which the Ga people is an important part. However, we intent to reach out to other communities as well” he was again asked what his message to the people of the world was to which he responded: “Ghana is country that is inclined towards education and technology and has become a role model for other African countries in this regard. our hope is that this effort bears fruits and leads to the dream of a single united African”