The controller and Accountant General Mr. Kwasi Kwaning Bosompem has adviced the youth to use the internet for research and learning, not things that will not add anything to their lives.

The Controller and Accountant General of the Republic of Ghana Mr. Kwasi Kwaning Bosompem has adviced the youth to use the internet for research and things that will benefit them in future but not to use it for things that will not add any positive value to their lives.

The Controller and Accountant General in an interview with after a health walk with KKB and youth of Akyem Swedru stated that the future of the nation depends on the youth so he advised them to come together so that they can help develop the Akyem Swedru constituency.

He said if any community will develop it depends on the youth of that particular community so he is going to help empower the youth so that in future when they are no more the youth will take the mantle and continue from where they left.

Some of the youth today will one day occupy some of the positions they are holding now and some will even hold higher positions more than what they are occupying now so he urged them not to joke with their books.

He said, he will help some of the youth to gain scholarship so they can further their education and achieve their goals in future.

Mr. Kwasi Kwaning Bosompem urged the youth to take their lessons very serious so that their future will be bright.

Report by Samuel Quao.

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