Marvelin House Limited’s major transformational reality show dubbed, ‘Jewels In The Streets’ to transform the lives of some young girls in the streets especially ‘kayayes’ has begun rolling on the screens.
The project is to provide education, professional skills and other mentoring opportunities for the girls and help them to better themselves and attain new and lasting socio-economic independence.
Taking journalists round the Reality House where the 20 selected girls will be staying for the three months period, the CEO of Marvelin House Limited, Mavis Leonards stressed that the project is wholly being sponsored by Marvelin House and that there is the need for Corporate Ghana and individuals who believe in the dream of giving a better life to young girls on the streets to come on board and support the project.
According to her, the issue of streetism has become a common phenomenon in Ghana and although government has, and is still implementing policies and finding solutions to what has become a menace, private sector and individuals must also support government to achieve that, hence the project ‘A Jewel In The Streets.’
Mavis Leonards also intimated that the show will also unearth their dreams and potentials as they get empowered for them to become role models to other girls in the society.
She revealed that Marvelin House is using the show to discover, refine, groom, polish and shine the girls.
The host of the show, Ama K Abebrese, said the show is aimed at transforming the lives of porters in a more unique way, saying that Accra is filled with many dreamers and hopefuls who migrate from their regions, towns, villages and homes to seek greener pastures, only to realise that ‘all that glitters is not gold’.
She also said the thought-provoking Jewels In The Streets will open up with an overview of the harsh realities faced by Ghana’s head porters, popularly known as ‘kayayei’.
To allow the media to see for themselves preparations ahead of the take off of the show, Producers if the show took them round the House of Eminence located at the Spintex Road close to the East Airport International School.
There are bedrooms, diary room, treat room where a winner of a challenge is move to, make up and fashion room, kitchen and a balcony.
It was also revealed that there will be frequent visits by other celebrities, mentors, entrepreneurs who will be engaging the girls in the house.
Marvelin House Limited, the brain behind the show, is a media and results driven multi-faceted production company which provides a wide range of services in TV and radio production, event management, brand management, advertising and others.