Ghana is said to experience an economic boom in the year 2023, despite the economic recession that may be experienced by even some of the so-called developed countries, as a result of hike in prices of fuel and other commodities due to the Russian-Ukrain war.
But this, it is said, could only be achieved with the implementation of stringent economic policies by those in the helm of affairs of the country’s economy.
This assurance was revealed by the minister in charge of the Agona Asafo branch of the Ressurection Baptist Church of the Ghana Baptist Convention, Rev. Abraham T. K. Saniez in an interview with Ghananews247.com during a service on New Year’s eve.
According to him, despite the economic downturn in the previous year 2022, the hand of God is still on the country, and what is now left is for its political leaders to turn to Him and seek His intervention.
This, Rev. Abraham Saniez said will also require the collective responsibility of all Ghanaians, irrespective of their political affiliation, by putting their political colours away and bringing ideas on board to steer the country forward.
He has therefore urged all Ghanaians to rally behind the government to ensure that this vision is achieved, for the betterment of all.