Ali Jarra, Head Coach of the Ghana Amputee Football team, the Black Challenge, has called potential players of team to non-residential camping in preparation towards the world cup in Mexico from October 24 to November 5, this year.
In a statement in Accra, Ali Jarra said the non-residential camp is to enable him and the technical team assess the players for final selection of the best to make the trip to Mexico.
“We (technical team) want to do a final assessment of players ahead of the world cup in order to pick the best for Ghana as we aim at winning the cup this year,” the experienced coach stated.
He is inviting all amputee football players interested in making it into the national team, to be present at the Accra Arts Centre from Thursday, October 5 to justify their inclusion since the selection would be purely on merit.
“We have observed the players’ performance in the just-ended local league and the professional players in Turkey and believe we have the best materials capable of making history for Ghana so we want all of them to assemble so we pick the best for the nation,” Jarra stated.
After the selection process, players would be called to final residential camping prior to departure in some two weeks.
He took the opportunity to appeal to government, corporate bodies and individuals to come to the rescue of the team with donations in cash and kind for the team to make it to Mexico.
“We are going to Mexico in the name of Ghana, so our performance would lift our international image and open opportunities to the players as was the case in 2010. That is why we are appealing to government, companies and individuals to help us make the trip,” he appealed.
Ghana has thirteen (13) amputee football players playing in various clubs in the Turkish amputee football league, a feat achieved after Ghana’s sterling performance at the 2010 world cup in Argentina.
Ghana is in Group B with Argentina, France and Italy and also one of the five African nations in the competition.
Angola, Kenya, Liberia and Nigeria are the other African nations traveling to Mexico for the Mundial.