Prophet Patrick Amoako, Founder of TY Crew, one of the best performing choirs in Ghana and a Prophet at Parliament Chapel International the Prophetic ministry has come under so much attack especially in recent times and called on all to stop attacking the Prophetic office since it forms an integral part of the Kingdom embodiment.
In a write up, Prophet Patrick Amoako bemoans the use of the word “fake” to attack every man of God, stressing that whenever the word ‘fake’ is used, it means there is an “original.”
“Why can’t we pray to God to direct us on but condemning the very GRACE and gifting that has the mandate to turn things around for our nation and the world?,” he asked.
Read his message below:
The Prophetic ministry has come under so much attack especially in our recent days but do you use just one or two you know to qualify everyone?
Do you know false teachers are more dangerous than false Prophets?
Who is even a Prophet? A prophet is someone who speaks the mind of God to people or nations; He serves as the intermediary between God and man, and only reveals what God grants him or her through His grace or calling.
….. So if someone mentions names, house address, color of under wear, Is it prophesy? Certainly no all these are good but only aids in boosting your faith to some extent since God cannot make a move in the life of man without his/her “Faith”.
However, some have taken advantage and using it to their advantage lol.
What is Prophecy then? Revealing the mind of God concerning a person or a thing. Is yours the case?
I want to humbly appeal and encourage everyone to stop attacking the Prophetic office since it forms an integral part of the Kingdom embodiment.
Anytime the word “fake” is mentioned it means there is an “original”. Have we stop using money because there is fake currency in the system? No. Why can’t we pray to God to direct us on but condemning the very GRACE and gifting that has the mandate to turn things around for our nation and the world?
Our problem in Africa I believe is “Religion” and not false Prophets per-say, as the devil is using this as an advantage to attack this great wing of God, there are “False” people everywhere including false Politicians and Doctors but yet we moving on, False only helps you appreciate and honor originality.
To my fellow youth, let’s humble ourselves and serve, establishing a church doesn’t necessarily make you as most of you think. Let’s help the fathers now and in our time the sons will help us on.
“In the school of life every Captain is under a captain”. Who are you under Prophet or man of God? Service is the key….