The Chief of Staff to the Nungua Stool Mr. Frank Lewi has through his lawyers responded profusely to a recent publication carried in this newspaper under the headline “Bortey-We Warns Nungua Stool… Over Borteyman Lands.
In a response directed at the Nungua Gonti, Lumor Boye Modza II who is the man behind the story purporting to warn the Nungua Stool over the Borteyman lands, the lawyers of the Chief of Staff firstly expressed the disappointment of their client at the content and tone of the letter emanating from the Nungua Gonti.
Lumor Boye Modza II letter to the Chief of Staff and subsequent publication of same came at the heels of earlier publications made by Mr. Frank Lewi on behalf of the Stool laying claims to the Borteyman lands and further cautioning the general public and Lands Commission to desist from facilitating processes without the consent of the Nungua Stool.
According to Mr. Lewi the Nungua Gonti is well aware of the fact he had done all those publications under the authority of the Nungua Mantse Oboade Notse King Nii Odaifio Welentsi III and Wor-Lumor Konor Nuumo Borketey Laweh Tsuru and with their imprimatur.
He said, “pretending that you are not aware that Borteyman lands are under the control and charge of the Nungua Stool, you sought to pour scorn and invectives on the personality of Mr. Frank Lewi who was only doing what the stool had commanded him to do in order to protect the interest of the stool”.
“This is necessary to stop elements like you who have been shortchanging the stool by disposing off its lands without accounting to the Stool,” Mr. Lewi stressed.
He indicated further that he is aware of the judgment obtained by the TDC against the Bortey-We which shows that the Borteyman lands fall under Nungua Stool.
“Clearly, you lack the capacity to respond to any such letter or publication as same does not concern a family land. The Chief of Borteyman who have the capacity to comment on such an issue does not even subscribe to such a response from you,” he emphasized.
“Your letter clearly puts you on the defensive as there has been a positive response to the letters because those who had dealt wrongly with elements like you in respect of these lands knows tha they risk losing their lands if they do not respond to the letters and newspaper publications in order for the stool to regularize their acquisitions”, he said.
The Chief of Staff further warned the Nungua Gonti to desist from any dealings on these Borteman lands; for the right to dispose off Stool lands rest in the bossom of the occupant of the stool under whose authority he Frank Lewi has been acting