Afrobarometer Welcomes Four New Board Members

Afrobarometer, a prominent research network dedicated to amplifying the voices of African citizens, has announced the induction of four new members to its board of directors.

The induction took place during Afrobarometer’s 25th-anniversary celebrations in Accra this July, marking a significant milestone for the organization.

The new board members bring a wealth of experience and expertise from various fields including governance, international diplomacy, social justice, and telecommunications.

The distinguished individuals joining the Afrobarometer board are:

Fawzia Ali, the Chief Consumer Business Officer at Safaricom, a leading telecommunications company in Kenya.

Ali’s extensive career includes roles in finance, marketing, sales, customer experience, and product development.

She is also actively involved in the Safaricom Foundation and Moving the Goal Posts, where she has led the audit and finance committees.

Kamissa Camara, a professor of practice in international diplomacy at the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan.

Ambassador Camara serves as a senior Africa adviser at the United States Institute of Peace and is a non-resident scholar at the Middle East Institute.

Her notable positions in the Malian government include minister of foreign affairs, chief of staff to the president, and minister of digital economy and planning.

She is also a respected contributor to global media outlets such as CNN, Al Jazeera, and the BBC.Natasha Kimani, an advocate of the Kenyan High Court with over 15 years of experience in gender mainstreaming, social justice research and activism, and gender-based violence prevention.

Kimani has been pivotal in drafting gender-responsive policies and legislation in Kenya and has collaborated with key national and county government agencies.

Nic Cheeseman, a professor of democracy at the University of Birmingham and former director of the African Studies Centre at the University of Oxford.

Cheeseman is a noted researcher on democracy, elections, and development, with more than 10 books to his name, including the acclaimed “How to Rig an Election.”

His work has earned several prestigious awards and he is a frequent commentator in leading publications such as the Economist, Le Monde, the Financial Times, and the New York Times.

Afrobarometer Board Chair E. Gyimah-Boadi expressed confidence in the new members’ ability to enhance the organization’s mission. “The new Afrobarometer board members significantly reinforce our strengths in terms of diversity, technical expertise, and regional representation,” said Gyimah-Boadi.

“As young leaders who are highly accomplished in their respective fields, they will help us carry the Afrobarometer vision forward to the next generation.”

The addition of these esteemed individuals is expected to bolster Afrobarometer’s efforts in delivering reliable data and insightful analysis, further empowering African citizens.

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