Chief Appeals To Gov’t For Provision Of Basic Amenities

The Chief of Brahabekum, a farming community in the Agona East Constituency of the Central Region, Nana Acheampong Avulakpa II has appealed to the Government to provide the community with portable source of drinking water.

With a population of about five hundred inhabitants, the community has no public place of convenience, no electricity, no school, unmotorable road and has to rely on a stretch of the Ayensu River as their only source of drinking water.

 According to the Chief, Nana Avulakpa, children of the community have to walk for miles before attending a public school at Oteprow, a nearby community.

He said a result of the lack of this, majority of the children do not have any form of basic education, and has therefore called on the government, to as a matter of urgency, come to the aid of the community by providing them with basic social amenities.             

By: Robert Ayanful

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