Condemnation Of Spiritual Churches Is Wrong – Pastor

The Snr. Minister of the Gomoa Aboso branch of the African Faith Tabernacle Church, Pastor Stephen Arhinful Acquah has condemned what he describes as blatant attack by some charismatic churches on spiritual churches that the mode of worship by the latter is fetish.

According to him, the foundation of spiritual churches is deeply rooted in the Bible, and was the way of worship by the ancient Israelis.

He attributed the condemnation to the early missionaries who came to Africa to introduce Christianity but was marveled by the already-existing spiritual churches, who later labeled them as fetish because they could not comprehend the healing powers of the spiritual churches.

Snr. Pastor Acquah therefore expressed regret why some Charismatic churches continue to hold this negative view about spiritual Churches, without taking the pain to study the origin of spiritual churches, yet the charismatic churches have turn round to practice what the spiritual churches are doing by wearing gowns worn by the spiritual church leaders, and the use of anointing oils, candles and incenses which the charismatic churches hitherto condemned and described it as fetish.

He said it is now time for charismatic churches to disabuse their minds of such colonial mentality and see spiritual churches as partners in the ministry of God.

By. Robert Ayanful

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