Court Clears Adama Latse …Rules; He Is Legitimate Ga King

Dodoo Nsaki To Step Down As GTC Prez.

The Greater Accra Regional House of Chiefs (GARHC) has officially informed the Acting President of the Ga Traditional Council, Nii Dodoo Nsaki II to cease holding himself in that capacity and allow King Tackie Adama Latse II who is legitimate Ga King to take over as president.

In a letter dated May 2, 2018, Nii Okwei Kinka Dowuona President of the Greater Accra Regional House of Chiefs told Nii Dodoo Nsaki II the “Greater Accra Regional House of Chiefs will not deal with you in the capacity as the Acting President of the Ga Traditional Council hence forth.”

According to him, GARHC’s decision was as a result of a detailed status of Ga Mantse which was provided to the House by the National House of Chiefs which indicated that “The person whose name is in the National Register of Chiefs as Ga Mantse (Paramount Chief of Ga) is King Tackie Adama Latse II (George Tackie Abia). His name was approved by the National House of Chiefs and recorded in the National Register of Chiefs on April 24, 2015.”

Nii Okwei Kinka Dowuona President of the Greater Accra Regional House of Chiefs also stated in his letter that The Chieftaincy Act, 2008 (Act 759) Section 57 (5) indicates that a person shall not be considered to be a Chief for the performance of a function under the Act or any other Enactment, unless that person has been registered for the performance of that function in the National Register of Chiefs and that person’s name has been published in the Chieftaincy Bulletin.

He however stressed that “Per records of the National House of Chiefs, the person whose name is in the National Register of Chiefs as Ga Mantse (Paramount Chief of Ga) is King Tackie Adama Latse II.

However Yaote Oto Ga II, Ga Paramount Stool Dzasetse has filed a motion at the High Court for writ of Possession pursuant to Order 43 Rule 3 (2) of C.I. 47.

In Suit number GJ/300/18 the Plaintiff, Yaote Oto Ga II, Ga Paramount Stool Dzasetse sued Hon Ishamael Ashittey, Mr. Stanley Adjiri-Blankson and Mr. Lord Oblitey Commey (Defendants), asking the Court to issue a leave for Writ of Possession to enforce the Judgment of Her Ladyship Justice Mrs. Doris Bampong which was dated May 4, 2018 for the recovery of Ga Mantse Palace at Kaneshie and Ga Stool House, Usher Fort.

In that judgment, Her Ladyship Justice Mrs. Doris Bampong ruled that King tackie Adama Latse II is the registered and gazette Ga Mantse and ordered the Defendants to open the Ga Mantse Palace at Kaneshie for occupancy by King Tackie Adama Latse.

The Judge also ruled that the Defendants must restore the key to the Ga Royal Stool House to the Ga Seitse David Tackie Kommey to enable him perform his functions.

Meanwhile, the first Defendant Hon Ishmael Ashittey has also been restrained from interfering in Ga Chieftaincy affairs and to also remove from the Ga Stool House the various persons he planted in the house.


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