Corona virus in recent days have spread exponentially across the continent and the WHO has is warning of a “new front” in the battle.

According to the director of WHO in Africa,Mastidiso Moeti,the covid19 has the potential not only to cause thousands of death,but to also unleash economic and social devastation.
The spread beyond major cities calls for an immediate opening of a new front in our fight against this virus.
Mr. Ewusi have since suggested to the president,Nana Addo and the ministry of health in his previous interviews to develop a local solution to solve the covid19 pandemic in Ghana.
He added that activities in most rural communities are mostly seen to be communal which stand a high potential in spreading the virus.
Though funerals amongst others have been banned,farming and other related human activities are done communally.
Mr.Ewusi is urging government and the ministry of health to fully resource and equip various chips compound in the rural communities to enhance our effort in the fight against our greatest enemy covid19.
His call to the president came in when the central regional minister,Hon. Kwamena Duncan announced the first recorded case of the pandemic.
He further adviced government to quickly provide hand sanitizers and other relevant materials to help prevent the rapid spread of the virus in the region as observed in greater Accra and greater Kumasi.
Mr. Ewusi have therefore called on opinion leader’s in the region to begin educating the people of the region to observe the hand washing with soap under running water and sanitization of hands to help prevent the spread of the virus in the region.
The PNC organizer added that despite efforts from some citizens, cooperate bodies,both government and the leading opposition leadership,much need to be done for both rural and rural urban population.
He advised every Ghanaian to put on their shoulders to the wheel and combat this disease which has suddenly become an albatross on government thus its pan global trend.

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