Haskee Institute Of Economic and Development (HIED), has described the supposed decision by government to introduce Compulsory Sexuality Education (CSE) into the system and beginning from the lower primary as “appallingly.”
Haskee Institute of Economic and Development which is a development think-tank has added its voice to the many Ghanaians and institutions that are kicking against this policy by government.
In a Press Release signed by its Founder, Issaka Gbeti Idirisu, he stated that it is the desire of every nation to develop on the heels of education and that Education of children must be a Paramount factor to be considered in any efforts towards development.
However, he noted that what the children are taught in the name of education also matters.
Few weeks ago, it emerged that government has introduced the teaching of Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) into our school Curriculum.
Many people including faith based organisations have condemned the move.
According to HIED, it condemns the decision saying it is “unfortunate and dangerous policy proposals.”
“This CSE has the potential to threaten and erode our long held traditional family value system that has served us well and continue to do. In our Ghanaian traditional settings, the family is an integral part of the growth and development of the child, the society and the nation,” he stated.
Issaka Gbeti Idirisu also averred that HIED considers this unpopular global action by some western countries which are hiding behind United Nations Agencies and international NGOs to subtly introduce liberal education targeting children in vulnerable countries, including Ghana as a long term agenda to target our young population with a liberal mindset to accepting and tolerating LGBTQ as a normal societal behaviour in the very near future.
He said: “As soon as LGBTQ is accepted in our society, the family system will be broken, social values will be compromised. We however, must take a cue from what happened in Canada recently where, Churches and parents forced their governments to back down on the implementation of CSE. HIED is calling for a complete withdrawal of the policy and a promise from government never to introduce it.”
He commended Churches, parents and communities who have risen up against this bad policy and urged them not to shirk their primary moral upbringing responsibilities to their children.
He also noted that Ghanaians must not allow government and other external interest groups to dilute their long tested traditional values on sexuality and allow the introduction of any demonic policies through CSE.
“We need to remain vigilant and expose any attempt to pass this obnoxious policy through the backdoor,” he said.
About HIED
Haskee Institute of Economic and Development is a development think-tank which has been established to research and contribute to the development of the health, oil and gas sectors.
It is also to conduct research and contribute to the development of the infrastructure sector, Wetlands and the environment as a whole and offer expert advice into technology specifically renewable energy.