The Chief of Mahodwe and Gyaasehen of the Agona Nyakrom Traditional Area, Nana Kwame Donkor IV has bemoaned the high incidents of disrespect in the society, especially among the youth, blaming it on what he called foreign cultures such as the practice of what they describe as a democracy where everybody is said to have the right to express their views, irrespective of one’s status or age.

This situation, according to the chief, has contributed to the high incidents of disrespect and indiscipline in society, as everybody thinks they have the right to say anything to anybody at any time.

Nana Kwame Donkor who expressed the concern during an interview with advocated for the reintroduction of corporal punishment in schools, and also place more emphasis on the learning of cultural and moral education where the younger generation will be taught the essence of morale discipline in the early stages of their life, as “charity begins at home”.

He described the current youth as a lost hope as a result of the embracing and introduction of democracy and its associated freedom of rights, without taking into consideration the cultural practices and norms of Africans, as a people.

By Robert Ayanful

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