Finance Minister States Government’s Commitment To Port Industry In 2019 Budget

Ken Ofori- Atta

Presenting the 2019 budget in parliament, the Finance Minister, Ken Ofori- Atta has disclosed that the Government of Ghana is committed to establishing Ghana’s ports to being the main trade hub in the West African Sub-region.

“As part of the overall strategy to position Ghana as a transport and logistic hub, Government continues to develop the port infrastructure through the construction of new container terminals at the Tema Port to increase container handling capacity, reduce waiting time and ensure quick access to the ports,” he said.


The Finance Minister updated parliament, and the general public that, the first two berths of the new Tema Port terminals is currently 40% complete and would commence operations in June 2019.

“The first two berths of depth weight capacity of 16 meters is 40% complete and scheduled to be operational by 2019,” he added.


The Finance Minister also hinted that government is making effort to improve fishing ports around the coastal regions in Ghana.

“Government has facilitated the construction of the Anloga fish landing site and has in addition, detailed construction designs are completed for landing sites at Teshie, Axim, Wnneba, Amafrom and the fishing Harbor complex at Jamestown.”


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