Management of the International Maritime Hospital is encouraging the general public to take advantage of its newly launched oncology services to get screened for various cancers and cancer related diseases as they guarantee top class expert treatment, in situations where possible traits of cancer are detected.
“IMaH is positioned such that we have a wide range of diagnostic and treatment setups which can be applied to cancer,” the Head of Clinical Services at IMaH, Dr. Helen Tettey indicated.
Speaking on Eye on Port, the Head of Clinical Services at IMaH, called on the general public to take advantage of this month of October in particular, which is dedicated to breast cancer awareness to come into the hospital facility and get screened for breast cancer for free.
She said this avenue for free breast screening is open from Mondays to Saturdays every week till the end of the month of October.
However, Dr. Tettey indicated that, IMaH will continue to offer oncology services including screening and diagnostic services for breast, cervical and prostate cancers at affordable rates.
Dr. Helen Tettey, an anaesthesiologist and Head of Clinical Services at IMaH said discount packages are also available for the different levels of Cancer-related services at the hospital.
“In recognition of what happens internationally, in October, we are not only screening for free, we are also offering a big discount on the diagnostics that go with breast cancer.”
She corrected the misconception that breast cancer can only happen in females and urged all members of the public to participate in regular screening of their breasts.
Dr. Helen Tettey indicated that early detection is key in the fight against cancers so all and sundry should take up personal responsibility and get screened regularly in order for lives to be saved.
“Something can be done about all these cancers, but what can be done depend on the time it is detected,” she said.