MTN Stand In Worship Concert Takes Kumasi by Storm

The maiden edition of MTN’s Stands In Worship in Kumasi was an awe-inspiring event that will forever be etched in the memories of gospel music lovers who were fortunate enough to attend.

The 2024 MTN SIW took place at the Golden Bean Hotel in Kumasi on Sunday, attracting a capacity-filled auditorium as hundreds of enthusiastic individuals gathered for the event.

The crowd exuded an awesome and energetic vibe, adding to the significance of holding the event in Kumasi on Easter Day.


Featuring performances by Obaapa Christy, Brother Sammy, Kwaku Gyasi, and the Kumasi Evangel Choir, the MTN SIW in Kumasi offered a diverse and captivating musical experience.

The ambiance within the hotel’s premises was electric, with attendees eagerly immersing themselves in the uplifting melodies and heartfelt lyrics.

More than just a concert, the event served as a beacon of unity, bringing together people from different backgrounds and beliefs to celebrate their shared love for music and spirituality.

Obaapa Christy
Obaapa Christy

After his performance, ACP Sarpong expressed his overwhelming appreciation for the massive turnout and the patrons’ passion for gospel music. He emphasized the importance of recognizing the significance of Christ’s death and resurrection in a Godly manner.

According to ACP Sarpong, the SIW provided a platform for attendees to pour out their hearts in gratitude to God for His blessings. He commended MTN for ensuring that everyone gathered had the opportunity to acknowledge God.

Kweku Gyasi
Kweku Gyasi

In an interview with the media, he expressed his enjoyment of the event and the privilege of performing before such a massive crowd. He emphasized the importance of giving nothing but the best when allowed to mount the stage.

Patrons who spoke with Isaac Kofi Dzokpo of News Ghana praised the organizers for bringing the event to Kumasi for the first time, expressing their desire for more events.

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