Napo Never Met CETAG, Lies Gone Bad Again….Secret Conversation Out!

The Minister of Education, Dr. Mathew Opoku Prempeh, never met with the leadership of the Colleges of Education Teachers Association of Ghana (CETAG) during their negotiations as being churned out by some elements of a political party.

Rather, other top officials of the Ministry of Education and other labour related institutions handled the negotiations.

It was therefore not true that Dr. Prempeh met and verbally abused CETAG members.

A disturbing WhatsApp conversation among some National Executive Committee (NEC) of a political party (name to be revealed later), intercepted has pointed to an agenda against the minister with the recent CETAG strike as the springboard.

In the conversation, it was discussed that the Minister should be attacked from all fronts to get him out of the Ministry by next year.

Below is the Whatsapp conversation among some NEC of a political party name withheld.

By a NEC member.
It’s emerging that the education minister verbally abused CETAG leaders. This arrogant behavior of the minister has been going on in the education sector for sometime now. Let’s continue as a party to put the minister under pressure for him to commit more blunders. In the coming weeks, we shall circulate corruption issues at that ministry. We shall continue to reach out to students, lecturers, teachers and education workers union to ensure trouble for the minister and champion his exit from the ministry next year.
Note: Don’t share to members outside this platform.

Secret audio recordings to be published soon. More to come


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