What was meant to be a health walk organized by the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the Agona West Constituency nearly turned bloody as they were met by supporters of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) in Agona Swedru. The exercise which was dubbed ” a walk with Paul Ofori Amoah”, the aspiring NDC Member of Parliament for the Constituency which was meant to be a keep-fit exercise turned into a rally amidst brass band music and dance, but the situation nearly turned bloody as they were met by supporters of the NPP on the way in front of MELCOM. It took the timely intervention of the police present who immediately blocked the road and redirected the NDC to use the road behind the Mandela market and rejoined the road at the Lucky Gas filling station to avoid any possible clash. But despite this timely intervention by the police, tension between supporters of the two parties flaired up, almost leading to physical assault. Whilst supporters of the NDC accused the NPP of trying to foment trouble as they had earlier held their rally a week before, some bystanders and onlookers also accused
the NDC of overstretching the exercise which was meant to be a health walk and not a rally. Attempt by our reporter to speak to organizers of both parties to explain their action that nearly turned into a brawl proved futile as they refused to explain their action. Though some supporters of the NDC claimed the NPP is fear-gripped by the number of supporters who turned up at the rally, some supporters of the NPP also described the claim as day-dreaming as it was mainly attended by children below voting age. One thing that remains a major concern is that there was total disregard for the Covid-19 safety protocols as this reporter can confidently say that less than two percent of the people at the rally wore nose mask.

By Robert Ayanful

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