… Economy to Stabilize, High Profile Leaders To Lose Life
It was a mixed feeling of hope and sorrow during last Sundays Watch Night Service by some Churches in the Central Region to usher in the New Year.
Whiles some pastors in their New Year messages promised that unemployment in the country would reduce drastically in 2018, others revealed that the country will witness more industrial and domestic fire accidents in the year, if Ghanaians do not go to their knees and pray to God.
At the Mountain Moriah Redeemed Ministry at Gomoa Eshiem, the founder and General Overseer of the Church, Bishop Samuel Kofi Assan prophesied that Ghana’s economy will see some stability, with the current unemployment situation becoming a thing of the past.
He pronounced that though the country witnessed some unfortunate incidents such as fire outbreaks, he said the fact that no civil strife was witnessed before, during and after the heat of the general elections, as happened in other neighboring countries, is an indication that God’s hand is on the country.
The situation was different at the Musama Disco Christo Church (MDCC) at Agona Swedru where the minister, Rev. John Kwame Benyi-Eshun revealed that some high profile personalities, including some political figures will die prematurely in the year, if they do not turn their ways to God.
However he was reluctant to mention names during an interview with the media after the service for fear of sending fear and panic among then people.
He also mentioned the occurrence of series of fire outbreaks in many parts of the country, and has therefore advised institutions such as the Ghana National Fire Service and the National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO) to intensify fire safety education among the populace.
He again revealed that the country would experience a lot of rainfall in the year which would lead to abundance of food supply, but hinted that despite that, some parts of the country would witness drought in the same which would be as a result of lack of rainfall.
On his part, Gomoa Akropong branch minister of the Holy Church of Bethlehem, Pastor Isaac Ansah admonished Ghanaians to take stock of the life in past year 2017, and turn a new leaf for betterment that would propel them positively into the New Year.