NPP National Council Of Elders Elects New Executive Committee Officers

The Ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) Council of Elders have elected new executive committee officers to provide new dynamism to the activities of the Council and the party.

TNPNEWSONLINE.COM is informed that this election is In accordance with Article 16 (1) of the NPP’s constitution, at the General Meeting of the Council of Elders held on 17th January, 2019.

Party members told that the party is in safe hands.

Read below full statement as copied to the

Dear Chairman,


In accordance with Article 16 (1) of the NPP’s constitution, at the General Meeting of the Council of Elders held on 17th January, 2019, members agreed to the formation of an Executive Committee to oversee the running of the Council. This it was believed will bring a new dynamism to the activities of the Council.

The Executive Committee as constituted includes:

Mr. CK Tedam – Chairman
Hackman Owusu-Agyemang – Vice Chairman
Alhaji Yiremia – Member

Madam Mary Nartey – Hon. Treasurer
Prof. Wayo Seini – Hon. Secretary

The following committees were also constituted:

Finance Committee – Amadu Kaleem (Business), Chairman
Complaints Committee – Sekyi Hughes, Chairman
Disputes Committee – Mrs Agnes Okudjeto, Chairperson

It is our fervent hope that the elections of these people will strengthen the council as it thrives to help the Party to achieve its aims and objectives.

Yours faithfully,

C.K Tedam
Chairman, Council of Elders


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