Dear Sir,
His Excellency the President, I humbly write to your good office with all the accorded respect and full honour to your office, the Jubilee House ,the seat of Government. Mr.President, as a Royal of the Abola Stool and an indigene of the Ga mashie of the Ga state, my attention has been drawn to the unfortunate behavior and indecent conduct that has been portrayed against your good and quality moral leadership of governance by the members of the Ga traditional council for their deliberate failure to participate and refusal to attend any of the three days State Funeral and Burial of the Seventh World President ( General Secretary of the United Nations )and illustrious son of Ghana ,the Late Kofi Atta Annan. even though they were officially invited by your protocol office with invitation. Your Excellency Mr President, I will officially apologise on the behalf of all the people of Ga mashie but without the members of the ill constituted members of the Ga traditional council, most of whom are being challenged for lack of capacity in court and continue to float judgement delivered against their various positions chiefs and capacity in court with impunity. Your Excellency , some of these illegitimate capacity holders and self styled claimants as chief ,even during the 2016 Presidential and parliamentary election campaign did not exercise decorum in the utterances on various platforms against you and so finds it very difficult to blend into your governance and rule as President today.
These and some other pertinent issues are factors which has no connection to the Late statesman Kofi Annan ‘s private life in Ghana but that did contributed to the boycott of the state funeral of the Late Kofi Annan by the members of the Ga traditional council. For instance their illegitimate capacity and position and conduct at the Ga traditional council and criminal records of assaulting elders of Sempe stool and Asafoatse Mankatah and other innocent victims by land guards who have been cunningly Christian named Asafoatsemei and being harboured at the premises of the Ga traditional council puts a dent on their image in public gathering. Their motive to prevent criminal branding on these land guards from their being arrested by the police on numerous criminal records has titled these criminals as Asafoatsemei and being stationed at the premises of the Ga traditional council with the full support of Nii Doudu Nsaki ,as the acting President of the Ga traditional council and in his own presence that all these criminal act takes place regularly without condemnation or any report to the police. These acts are shameful and a disgrace to all the membership of the Ga traditional council is what is preventing them to join officialdom at such functions. Your Excellency Mr.President , I humbly pray that I will respectfully like to avail myself with all these issues that I a Royal blood Son of the Abola Stool would like to raise these as factors and challenges at the Ga traditional council that bring shame to them ,hence their decision to avoid public gathering ,so as not to be questioned in public by anyone about the multiple chiefs installation in Ga mashie. Nii Doudu Nsaki and his cohorts has installed two or more chiefs to the single Ga Mantse stool as Ga Mantse to the Ga state, to create confusion and chaos in the Greater Accra Region. Mr. President I will respectfully like to make it know to your good office and expose some of your ministers who connive with these illegitimate self styled claimants as chiefs anytime I am called upon to probe into these facts on the issue of the Ga traditional council and some of conduct they display at the council ,which will go a long to affect your good faith and long lasting relationship with the people of Ga mashie. Your Excellency Mr. President I humbly sincerely and honestly pray that you invite me to your good office for interaction and plead to you to take a critical look at the structures of the Ga traditional council with your professional skills and excellence in the legal fraternity to help resolve the undue chaos being deliberately created by Nii Doudu Nsaki and his gang of illegitimate self acclaimed chiefs manipulating our respectable chieftaincy institution without fear or favour. I will respectfully pray that you humbly add this major concern of the people of Ga mashie to your priority in your developmental agenda to help resolve the chieftaincy clashes, indiscriminate sale of lands by land guards and the selling of chieftaincy capacity by some members of the Ga traditional council to appoint and install non indigenous person to particular stools they do not belong. Counting on your support with your high legal luminary to relieve the Ga mashie people from their bad leadership.
Thank you Sir.
Signed Henry Addo. Royal Blood of Abola Stool. 0244604548.