The Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) has expressed grave concern about the condition of service of teachers in the country, claiming that majority of its members posted to deprived areas do not have a place of accommodation, let alone materials to teach with.

Speaking in an interview with our correspondent in Agona Swedru on the plight of the Ghanaian teacher ahead of this year’s World Teachers Day celebration which falls on Oct. 5, the Agona Municipal Secretary of GNAT, Mr. Louise Mensah noted that in most cases, teacher who go on transfer hardly receive their transfer allowance, as stipulated by their own employer, the Ghana Education Service (GES).

He further hinted that even those who have undergone further studies to upgrade themselves as required by the GES with their own resources, have not been upgraded by the same employer.

According to the GNAT Secretary, though the Ghana Education Service has come out with a new curriculum for the past two years, yet there are no text books to carry out the teaching of this new curriculum. But despite these challenges, the GNAT Secretary pointed out
that teachers in the country are doing their best in ensuring that they impact positively into the lives of the students.

He later hinted that as part of this year’s celebration of the teacher, GNAT in the Agona Municipality will organise a Quiz Competition between teachers in the Agona West and East, as well as outdoor fun games for both male and female teachers, and also eye screening test for all the teachers.

By Robert Ayanful

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