The Lord God invites us to claim the truth that indeed we are part of His story. Therefore, our testimonies are our story about being part of God’s story and His infinite mercies in our lives.
Sharing our honest testimonies, we expand our experience of God, our understanding of ourselves, and our participation in the Body of Christ.
The year 2021 had been a fulfilling year to many Christians and non-Christians who have given their lives to Christ.
By the Many Testimonies that came in during the 31st Night Service at the Parliament Chapel International (PCI), and the many of such Testimonies which keep coming, it is obvious that God has worked in the lives of many people.
God has indeed, used the Founder and General Overseer of Parliament Chapel International, Apostle Francis Amoako Attah to touch lives in 2021.
So, are the expectations for this New Year.
Scores of Christians who were seated in face masks ushered in the New Year, 2021 with thanksgiving, worship and prayers.
Apostle Francis Amoako Attah delivered a sermon on the theme: “THE CODE OF THE YEAR 2022.”
He said “Watching how human beings were buried this year as a result of the outbreak of the novel coronavirus pandemic and God has been so good to Africa and Ghana.”
At the Church, congregants shared testimonies of God’s faithfulness throughout 2021.
According to Apostle Francis Amoako Attah, our testimonies are never ours alone and that they are embedded in a community of faith and are always part of the ongoing conversation of the community, a conversation that builds responsibility and trust between man and God.
Interesting as it may sound, Parliament Chapel International has received over thousands Testimonies from people across the world when the Church called on all to share their mind blowing testimonies to encourage others and boost their faith in The Lord Jesus Christ.
They shared what the Lord Has done for them through THE SPEAKER and The SEER Apostle Francis Amoako Attah, as they send their Testimonies via Audio and Video to the 0243001844 and 0246392956.
Testimonies that are coming through are centered on Healing, Blessings from God, Growth in Business, Simple Gestures, God protection and Saving Grace, Financial Provision and breakthrough, Answered Prayers, Hope for Future, Goodness of God and Amazing Grace among others.
According to many people who shared their Testimonies, their testimonies are their stories as they are addressed by, encounter, and respond to the living God.
Although some people do not believe in Testimonies as well as Miracles, it has been preached that as we tell God’s story, God’s story “tells” us, and we have a new story to tell hence preparing to tell our stories in the context of God’s story, and telling those stories in public, and trusting our stories to be received and engaged by the community; each of these practices and all of them connected together are channels of God’s grace, opportunities for the individual teller and the whole church to awaken to God.
For Apostle Francis Amoako Attah, Testimony always includes a true life story, but it is more than a life story since our stories are part of God’s story when we can reflectively connect them to the love of
God, the grace of Jesus Christ, the challenging power of the Holy Spirit, and the vast experience of pain, joy, lamentation, doubt, failure and transformation of the first disciples and apostles.
Research has shown that Testimony nights provided a forum for people to formulate and practice sharing personal testimonies as Individuals grew in both confidence and skill with regard to recounting their salvation.
This exercise prepared individuals for sharing their stories outside the walls of the church with friends, family and coworkers.
According to the Media and Communication Team of Parliament Chapel International, testimony helped us to get to know each other and deepened our love for each other.
Those testimonies, it said, reminded each of us that we are all sinners saved by grace.
The Church continues to welcome and receive Testimonies.
“Share what the Lord Has done for them through THE SPEAKER and The SEER Apostle Francis Amoako Attah, as they send their Testimonies via Audio and Video to the 0243001844 and 0246392956.”
Below are Testimonies from some believers in Twi (Local language)
By Prosper Agbenyega