Police in Swedru last Monday, July 4th, 2022 arrested a man with a pistol concealed in his luggage.

The man who is believed to be in his mid-thirties was traveling in a commercial Ford Transit minibus when the police highway patrol team from the Swedru Divisional Command intercepted the bus at Gomoa Mangoase and asked the passengers to disembark for checks. According to our source from the police, the man whose name was given as Kenneth Williams and claims he was traveling from Kasoa to Swedru who had then placed his luggage containing the pistol on the seat, upon sensing danger took to his heels but was chased and apprehended by the police.

Though he initially denied knowledge of the pistol, he later claimed ownership when sent to the police station, according to our source.

Though his reason for carrying the arm was not immediately known, the case has been referred to the Criminal Investigation Department of the Swedru Police Command for further investigation and possible prosecution, as the case is being followed by this medium critically, with keen interest and will keep the public informed of any further development.

The Ford Transit mini bus with registration number GX 5792–14 was traveling from Accra to Swedru.

By Robert Ayanful

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