…Over Attempt To Ambush Them Into Endorsing Nene Tetteh Wakah
There was some form of drama at the Pramrpam Traditional Council in the Greater Accra region on Friday afternoon, as some elders aligned to the embattled self styled Prampram Chief were turned away by members of the Council, after their attempt to have the council endorse the legitimacy of Nene Tetteh Wakah as chief of the area to the media, backfired.
Members of the embattled Nene Tetteh Wakah’s team had ambushed the Traditional council with some Journalists to coerce them into declaring their stance on who is the legitimate king of the Paramountcy. But the council refused to comment on that matter, stating empathically that the onus of who is the rightful heir to the throne lies with the ruling family and that of the court.
The council also made it clear to the team that, since the matter is pending before a court of competent jurisdiction, it would be a case of contempt on their part to even comment on such matter.
The move by the embattled Nene Tetteh Wakah’,s faction, was an attempt to water down a recently held press conference by the Paramount stool father Numo Osabu Abbey IV, who stated emphatically that the area has no Chief, hence the need to install a new chief in the coming days.
However with the latest stance taken by the Prampram Traditional Council on the matter, there are some school of thought which says, the Council is refusing to be corrected into declaring Nene Tetteh Wakah, who has long been disputed as the chief of Prampram.