The Customs Division of the Ghana Revenue Authority continues to caution the general public that cars are not sold at the country’s ports by GRA or any of its allied institutions working at the ports.
Speaking on Eye on Port, the Principal Revenue Officer in Charge of Customs Auctions, Prince Akwaboah, warned the car-buying public against falling prey to unscrupulous individuals who peddle falsehood about selling cars at the port.
“There are some people who give money to others with the hope that they would buy cars for them when auction takes place. We have to tell our citizens to desist from that. It is not true!” he warned.
He said the public should not be misled by the numerous cars on display at some sections of the port, emphasizing that those cars are people’s imports waiting clearance.
“Once vessels dock, and people’s vehicles are discharged from the vessel, they are bound to be taken to either the Golden Jubilee or Safe Bond Terminal at the Tema Port for example awaiting payment of duties by the owners,” Mr. Akwaboah cited.
The Customs official advised persons interested in buying vehicles to engage credible garages. But in the instances where dealers in cars claim to sell their vehicles at the port, to get money to clear others, he advised buyers to check with the Customs Division first to verify all documents pertaining to ownership and clearance of vehicle before parting away monies to such dealers.
“Make sure you send the car to Customs Office and let customs authenticate it for you that the particular car has been well cleared from the port before you part any monies,” he advised.
The Principal Revenue Officer in Charge of Customs Auctions disabused the false public perception that what is casually termed as auction cars are always readily available for purchase.
Instead he said, auctions on cars are not frequent, and it takes a thorough process for cars to be marked for auction and even in that case, announcements are only made in the newspapers.
“Auctions are not done daily, they are done periodically, and you would have to be present and partake in the bidding process,” the GRA head of auctions clarified.
He said the purpose of auctions are for the state to retrieve duties of uncleared goods and that the reserve price for auction goods such as vehicles are equivalent to the duties.