SEWA foundation & government’s war against trafficking

The SEWA Foundation in collaboration with The government and Trinity Baptist Church has taken a giant step by marking this year’s United Nations Day against Trafficking In Persons with the aim of creating massive awareness on the menace which is  posing a serious threat to  national development.

The United Nations (UN) World Day Against Human Trafficking,is also known as the ‘Blue Day’.

More so,the Day, calls on the world to end the impunity of perpetrators of human trafficking and help victims by showing compassion .

It was instituted in 2013 when the UN General Assembly adopted the Global Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking in Persons and established a UN Voluntary Trust fund for victims of trafficking, particularly women and children, who make up 75 per cent of all victims
It is obvious that , there are about three hundred (300) illegal agencies operating so far in Ghana.

However, Ghanaian women and children are then recruited and sent to the Middle East, West Africa, and Europe for forced labor and sex trafficking.

Licensed and unlicensed agencies recruit young Ghanaian women for domestic service or hospitality industry jobs in Gulf countries.

After their return, many of them reported being deceived, overworked, starved, abused, molested, and/or forced into prostitution.

It is in this regard, SEWA Foundation, has been working closely with the government and other stakeholders in order to clamp-down on the menace which also a serious treat to national security.

The Minister for Inner Cities and Zongo Development, Alhaji Abubakar Saddique Boniface, who graced the occasion described the menace as modern-slavery; which should be given much attention.

Because it is targeted at the youth who are the assets and future leaders of mother Ghana.

And citing poverty and unemployment as the major factor luring the youth into this dangerous business.

This he said, in order to nip the heinous crime in the bud, his outfit is working with other ministries to ensure that women and children especially the vulnerable are protected in the country.

Adding that, the government is also scheming of empowering the youth with vocational and technical skills training that will help them to become economically independent.

The Chief Executive Officer of Foundation, Mr . Jones Owusu Yeboah, stated that they will continue collaborating with the government, security agencies and other related organizations to help combat trafficking in persons especially involving children.

“We are engaging faith-based organizations and students in order to educate them about the dangers on human trafficking which is still going on clandestinely in the country”, he said.

He has therefore advised the youth to turn a deaf ears to all the sugar-coated words which the perpetrators have been using in order not to fall into their evil traps.

SEWA Foundation is a non-governmental organization committed to the eradication of human trafficking and modern day slavery.

Focused on contributing to the reduction of the causes of child trafficking and child slavery. They operate in the areas of anti-human trafficking, anti-human smuggling, prevention of child abuse and child labour in Ghana.
By: Isaac Kofi Dzokpo/

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