Stop consulting Pastors,Mallams and Jujumen concerning Coronavirus pandemic….Dr. Yankson to public

The General Secretary of Ghana Medical Association (GMA) Dr. Justice Yankson, has charged the general public to stop consulting pastors, Mallams, juju men but rather seek the attention of Doctors or resource personnels for any symptoms of coronavirus.

According to Dr. Yankson, though it is good to pray but people should not depend solely on prayers but rather insist on seeking medical treatment to cure coronavirus.

Dr. Justice Yankson, made this observation at a day Sensitisation Workshop for Media stakeholders on the COVID-19, organise by GIBA in collaboration with Ghana Health Service, held at Ministry of Information Press Center in Accra today.

He therefore advised the general public not to panic or excess fear but rather calm down as President is leading Fear-Calm campaign in the whole country.

Dr. Yankson however, urged the media Houses should always engage with resource personal or to stake to the right Professional at all time at this moment and stop engaging politicians at this time.

He also tasked the media to educate , inform the people on Self-Quarantine if Government embarke on country to shutdown.

Dr. Yankson, conclusion advised the public to eat well , have enough sleep, eat more vegetables. “If you are sick stay at home and call the Health personals or the hotline for any form of assistant.”

He urged the general public especially politicians not to politices the coronavirus pandemic but see it as a global war.

Report by Bernard K DADZIE

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