Sunday evening’s Downpour which left parts of the city including Kaneshie, Dzorwulu and Kwame Nkrumah Circle flooded, has been prophesied by the Founder and General Overseer of The Lord’s Parliament Chapel International, Apostle Francis Amoako Attah.
This reporter had gathered that during the Church’s Sunday service at about 11:45am, Apostle Francis Amoako Attah led the congregation into the realm of intense prayer where he released the Prophesy of a heavy downpour which will sweep the Capital City especially the Keane Nkrumah Circle.
The Apostle told the congregation that the impact of the Rain Will be severe and pass for another national disaster.
Interestingly, few hours after releasing the Prophesy, the rain set in. In what many people thought could be a normal rainfall, the rain gradually intensified and wreck some havoc in some areas of Accra.
Places such as the Kwame Nkrumah Interchange, Kanashie, Avenor, Alajo, among others were flooded, making some roads unusable.
It has been confirmed however that a young lady was killed by the floods at Avenor while a man was also found dead at Awudome.
At the Kwame Nkrumah Circle, some vehicles got stuck in the floods while pedestrians walked in the knee-level floods.
Speakjng to McLord Ice, Media Laison at The Parliament Chapel International, he confirmed the Prophesy as delivered by Apostle Amoako Atta that very day.
Also, the Director of Media at the Church Prophet Patrick Amoako who confirmed the Prophesy said, “We were praying when Apostle released the prophecy that he sees heavy rain storm in Accra especially circle. He went on to say he sees some demons holding and shaking the pillars of the circle bridge and if God doesn’t show us mercy the impact will be so great that the nation can’t bare.”
Prophet Patrick Amoako continued to narrate that since it was communion service, the Church prayed and pleaded the Blood of Jesus over the land to avert the disaster.”
He said Apostle Amoako Attah revealed to the church that since rain is a natural phenomenon, it will occur but the impact it will have on the nation will not be o severe.
“At a point, we stopped the prayers and Apostle told us to pray so that the impact of the downpour will not cause lives and properties, which we did as a church,” he said.
Both McLord Ice and Prophet Patrick Amoako beleived it took the interventions of the Church through prayers to avert the intense and disastrous impact the flood would have on the nation.
Apostle Francis Amoako Attah appears to be one of the few men of God whose prophesies must be taken serious because of their happenings.
He had prophesied the disappearance of Hiplife artiste Castro, known in private life as Theophilus Tagoe months before it occurred.
He also prophesied the collapse of many churches because God wad going to disgrace them openly and few months after that Prophesy, a lopular Nigeria Pastor in South Africa, Timothy Omotoso was held in jailed. Pastor Tim Omotoso was arrested and charged for human trafficking and sexual exploitation in South Africa.
There was another sexual scandal that hit a popular Apostle in Nigeria who was arrested for allegedly beheading a seven-year old boy and burying his head at the church’s altar.
Back home, Apostle Francis Amoako Attah prophesied the occurrence of Dumsor and load shedding resurfacing.
He said at the time that God said that “this is one thing that will pull down the incoming government. Therefore the President elect must takes it very seriously, otherwise the masses will give up hope on him and it will be very difficult for him to fulfill his promises. He should make the electricity is first priority.”
The erratic power supply, Dumsor situation in Ghana got worse by the day, compared as it was in 2016.
He also advised Ghanaians to tighten their belts in a Prophesy he gave.
He told the nation that the economy of the country will be very tasking and challenging and if care is not taken, it will navigate into serious recession.
Apostle Francis Amoako Attah also gave a sterling Prophesy revealing some twelve (12) signs of the end time which are the twelve (12) major shifts that the world would have to see include between 2016 and 2022; the Global shift, Geographical shift, Power shift, Gender shift, Economic shift, Agriculture shift, Spiritual shift, Political shift, Climate shift, Military shift, Medical shift, Technological shift and the Media shift.
These shifts and signs have begun manifesting accross the world.
www.ghananews247.com will bring the video of the Apostle giving the Prophesy to readers soon.