Swedru SHS: Plot To Demote, Transfer Teacher Exposed

An attempt to transfer and demote Economics tutor of the Swedru Business Senior High School, one Mr. Kenneth Ebo Mintah for no apparent reason has backfired, sparking suspicion among tutors and students of the school who accuse the Assistant Headmistress Ms. Hannah Holdbrook and the Assistant Headmaster-Academics, one Mr. Boafo of orchestrating and masterminding the plot, with the connivance of some staff of the Directorate of Education in the Municipality.
In a transfer letter intercepted by ghananews247.com, the said teacher has been asked to vacate his post as Economics tutor of Swedru Business Senior High School and take a new post as a class| subject teacher at the Agona Nyakrom Methodist ‘’B’’ Basic School with effects from Sept. 1 this year.
What raises eye brow is that public schools re-opened on Sept 11, yet he was asked to resume post on Set. 1, without any statement of reference of emoluments such as means of transportation and accommodation, whiles receiving a copy of the said transfer letter on Sept. 8.
What makes the transfer more suspicious is that the letter was not signed by the Municipal Director of Education.
A check at his posted school revealed that no such transfer letter has been received, as at the time of filing this report.
When contacted, Mr. Mintah who is a graduate from the University of Cape Coast with B. ED (Foundation)-Rank (Prin. Supt,) said he is yet to respond to the letter, and still considers himself as the Economics tutor of his school.
He said with thirteen years as an Economics tutor of a Senior High School, he does not know what he is supposed to teach at the Basic School as a class teacher, therefore describing his orchestrated transfer as sheer hatred and victimization.
In a visit to his school, some of the tutors who spoke to newsghana.com on anonymity for fear of victimization accused the Assistant Headmistress of the school and the Assistant Headmaster in charge of Academics as the masterminds behind the orchestration of his transfer.
According to the tutors, the Headmistress who had wanted to take over from the outgone Headmaster, Mr. Akwasi Afrifa Appiah Agyei, had adopted what they call ‘’divide and rule’’ tactics to victimize teachers she perceived as not supporting her agenda.
As a result of this, she has taken pain and adopted all forms of strategies to victimize such teachers.
According to him, the only time he went before the Municipal Director of Education was when his house was affected by a rain storm, injuring himself in the process, thereby unable to invigilate his students for only a day seeking, permission from the school’s authorities to reschedule him for the following day.
But other sources say the Economics tutor’s is just being a victim of politics, following his bid to contest for the Chairmanship position of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the Agona West Constituency during the recently held constituency elections of the party.

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