Tema Chamber Of Commerce Reviews Paperless Process

The Tema Chamber of Commerce has held its maiden forum on the paperless initiative implemented at Ghana’s Ports on 1st September, 2017.

Members of the chamber seized the opportunity to assess the paperless system and make known some challenges they have identified.

Their major concerns included delay problems with service delivery and poor attitudes that hamper business facilitation within some operators at the port and all stake holding parties at large.

Members solicited for the keen attention of the Port Authority to spearhead a transformation at the Ports to eliminate the bottlenecks.

The Chairman of the Tema Chamber of Commerce, emphasized the need for difficulties to be addressed with urgency.

The Corp. Manager, Information Technology, GPHA, Josephine Gyimah-Kwarfo assured members of the chamber that GPHA is working towards improving situations at the port and facilitating business for customers.

Lydia Tham, Senior Marketing and Public Affairs Officer of Tema Port mentioned that there are existing customer support platforms to aid them and entreated them to make use of them to allow effective collaboration towards their mutual objective.


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