Apostle Francis Amoako Attah at the beginning of the Month gave prophetic directions which have yielded results with many people giving testimonies.
One Lydia Serwaa Oforikrom who followed the direction wrote this testimony and said, “Good morning Prophet Thank God for using you to restore some of us our hope back at a point in time I lost all hope in God when my engagement ring got lost and my husband divorced me because of that I went through Hell living with my friend for four years I had to go out with a married man so that the man would rent a single room for me I’m still living in that room till now last week I did the water and salt direction and in the morning something told me to look inside the water and I was shocked to find the same ring inside the water I’m praying to get money to come to Accra and show you the ring please permit me to touch you when I come I am Lydia Serwaa Oforikrom.”
She continued to say that, “Please last night I diluted salt and water and said my problems as directed by you. Surprisingly I woke up this morning and I found out I was not wearing my wedding rings. In fact I was afraid I saw it on the bed later mean while my ring tight me. Please am afraid to wear it what should I do.?”
Apostle Francis Amoako Attah’s Advice To Women In March
Women have been advised to learn how to say “I Am Sorry” in this Month of March in order to sustain and keep their relationships and marriages.
The advice was given by the Founder and Leader of Parliament Chapel International (PCI), Apostle Francis Amoako Attah yesterday on pci tv’s ‘Kingdom Kitchen’ program.
According to him, this month of Month is a special Month but people need to be cautious of the spiritualties that and come along.
He said Satan will set traps for marriages and relationships and until women learn to say “Sorry,” their relationships will suffer.
According to him, in view of the spirituality that comes along with March, people must learn to feed their soul and make themselves aware of nature through prophetic direction.
“The moment you can add something to your life, that makes the difference,” he said, advising that people must begin to add something extra to their lives so as to exceed the natural and become supernatural.
Taking his teaching from the scriptures, Joshua 6: 26-27 “At that time Joshua pronounced this solemn oath: “Cursed before the LORD is the one who undertakes to rebuild this city, Jericho: “At the cost of his firstborn son he will lay its foundations; at the cost of his youngest he will set up its gates.” So the LORD was with Joshua, and his fame spread throughout the land.”
He explained that as long as nobody will make attempt to rise, the curse that has been placed “is useless” urging this generation to take things seriously.
He said, people who succeed always add something ‘super’ to their lives.