The Elevator Of Life Will Never Open If You Don’t Press The Button – Apostle Francis Amoako Attah

Is God responsible for what the world is experiencing today?

Why does God seem far away from saving us from the current situations and ravages of life?

These and many of such questions keep bothering the minds of people especially Christians who have been praying every day for a miracle to come so their lives can change for the better.

But, is there much to this than what we see? YES!

Apostle Francis Amoako Attah, Founder and General Overseer of Parliament Chapel International (PCI), said God is not responsible for whatever is happening and hence, would not intervene.

According to him, whatever is happening today would take people to change and stop them and that life is like an elevator; If you don’t press the button to where you want to go, the world will press it for you even to your disadvantage.

Speaking as a spiritual guest on Angel fm Y’adwuma nie program with Ohema Woyeje, Apostle Francis Amoako Attah touched on the Elevator of Life, where he told a story of one of his travels where a man was stacked in the elevator for over 30 minutes whilst others came in and go out until he (Apostle) assisted the man to get out.

He said the man was holding the key to his room but failed to press the button which will enable to elevator to take him to his floor.

He likened life to this scenario and indicated that, God never intervened until somebody speaks or take an action.

He averred that even though people pray a lot do not see solutions to their problems, because Prayer only gives God an authorization to act on our behalf but it will take them to press the button so the prayers can take them to where they desire to be.

“The elevator of life will never open for you if you don’t press the button. Many people are praying, but are not pressing the button and they are going nowhere because they fail to press the button of life so they are stuck in the elevator.”

“You just not get to where you desire to be only in the name of prayers; what is your destination in life: In this 21st century you can’t blame anybody when you are still living in ignorance.”

Apostle Francis Amoako Attah also maintained that when we pray, we invite God into the situation as long as we take sole responsibility of whatever is happening here on earth, God will not act.

He said it takes Desire and Determination to succeed.

“Your need is more important than your want. Until how badly you need it, and determined to go for it you will not see your breakthrough,” he said.

The SEER however mentioned that there is hope for everybody; be it Christians or otherwise and as long as we live here on earth there is hope.

According to him, Jesus is like a road, and where one decides to look will determine what he or she will see.

God, he said is a God of principles, hence cannot be held solely responsible for what we are facing and that the very day God said “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let THEM have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth,” He (God) cannot force Himself on anything until He is invited.

“People are praying in the Name of religion but as long as you don’t get closer to you cannot see His goodness. God create chances and he expects us to choose out of the chance; so we have to live by choices and not chances.

He however touched on Deception as the major reason why the world is confronted with hardships, wars and pandemics.

According to him, Mathew 24:3 explains it all, adding that what is happening in Ukraine is as result of Deception where the West deceived Ukrainian leader and now, he finds himself wanting.

“You don’t expect God to come down to stop Russia. No. God will not intervene because He is not responsible for this. It is the sole responsibility of those who deceived the man to talk to Putin and bring him to order.”

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