We Will Boycott Elections If ….’

The people of Agona Nkum, a farming community in the Agona West Municipality of the Central Region have vowed to boycott the upcoming 2020 general elections if their request for the provision of basic social amenities such as tarring of access roads and portable source of drinking water are not adhered to by the government.
According to resident of the town, they have made persistent pleas to the government through the Municipal Assembly, but all seem to have fallen on deaf ears.
According to them, their major priority is the tarring of the few access roads in the town which they said becomes very dusty during the dry season, posing serious respiratory risk to them and also very muddy during the rainy season, making movement in the town very difficult.
They have threatened that to make their voice to be heard, they have decided to boycott the upcoming general elections, and will also not allow any political party, politician or political activity to go on in the town until their plea is adhered to.
The decision by the people seem to have the backing of the Chiefs of the town, as some of them that this reporter spoke to share the sentiments of the residents, as according to them, though the town is the oldest settlement area in the whole of Agona dating back to the 17th Century, yet it is one of the least developed town in the area terms of projects.

From: Robert Ayanful-Ag. Nkum

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