12 young ladies receive training in entrepreneurial, catering skills at Alegra Kitchen craft

Twelve (12) young ladies have received training in entrepreneurial and catering skills at the Alegra Kitchen craft and Floral Institute.
The training program which a collaboration between the International Vision Church and Dr K. Marie Ministries International LLC, is to afford graduates the opportunity to better their lives and contribute to the development of the country.
The training was provided by Alegra Kitchen craft and Floral Institute under its Free Women Empowerment Programme.
They have also been equipped with skills in Fish and Meat turnovers, ring doughnut, tea, wheat, butter, sugar Breads, vanilla cake, sausage roll, flakes, simple Piped Cookies and Scottish Short Bread Biscuits.
Speaking in an interview at the sidelines of the graduation ceremony, Mrs. Grace Adzo Nkrumah, the Proprietress of the Institute said the objective was to train JHS, SHS and school dropouts, traders, and other individuals to obtain excellent skills in catering services.
According to her, it was also to provide them with professional qualifications that would guarantee them quick access to develop themselves.
According to her, God had laid upon her and her Husband Apostle Dr Alex Nkrumah to support and empower young women, especially the less privileged women in society and that “Over the years, we realised that after the training most of them still stay at home without practicing what they have learnt and through some enquiries, we realised that the tools to start the trade has been a challenge and with support from Dr K. Marie Ministries, we need provide them with some tools.”
She said it was their desire to expand the training process to support more lee privilege in society to also get a vocation for themselves and better their lives and their families.

She also revealed that the participants were supported with an oven, digital weighing scale and other tools.
According to her, the Institute would next year, turn 20 years and they intended to celebrate with an exhibition, calling on all to come on board to support in providing a vocation to these people, who really need it most.Dr Kathie Marie Coker, Chief Executive Officer of We in Me Mission of Dr K. Marie Ministries International LLC, said the graduates would impact the economy and leave a legacy for the future generation.
“I believe in empowering women and young ladies to be independent and contribute to the development of their society,” she added.
She said the students have decided to be independent contributors to their families and communities.”


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