On the 19th October, 2019, the former Acting Finance Officer of the University of Education, Winneba (UEW) Bruno Charani who placed a distant third in an interview of applicants for the position of the substantive Finance Officer of UEW had the audacity to sue his employers together with the Vice Chancellor (VC), Registrar and the succesful Finance Officer, Francis Obeng on the grounds that the position of the Finance Officer was not vacant. He, therefore, wanted the court to declare the appointment of Francis Obeng null and void.
He also had the effrontery to follow his writ with an application of injunction seeking to restrain Francis Obeng from having access to the financial records of the University.
The University filed a motion of misjoinder of the VC, Rev Fr. Afful- Broni, the Registrar, Paul Osei Barima and Finance Officer, Francis Obeng as unnecessary parties to the action since the University has a perpetual succession and the capacity to sue and be sued separately from its officers.
The court granted the misjoinder application by the University and raised a very intriguing question just as Jesus asked John and his disciples ” What did you go to the wilderness to see?”
Bruno Charani had applied for the position of Finance Officer (FO) having acted in that same position for nearly two years. Yet, this failed FO, Bruno Chirani who could not meet the pass mark at the interview for the FO placing an embarrassing third position had the audacity to raise the issue in court that the position of Finance Officer was not vacant therefore the question becomes “What did he applied for?”
In less than 10 minutes the Winneba High Court yesterday Friday, 24th January, 2020, presided over by Her Ladyship Mrs. Justice Janepare Bartels Kodwo granted the application and mulcted a cost of 5,000 cedis to the defendant applicants.
This is a lesson well taught to lecturers and other staff of UEW who continue to serve as fronts for mischief markers in UEW so as to disturb the administration of Rev Fr. Prof. Afful-Broni.
In related developments, five other suites from Bruno Charani, two from Enoch Bondzie and Dennis Marfo, one from Madingo and the last one from Bondzie Sey have all been adjourned to 24th and 26th February, 2020 for the motion to be moved.