…No Money To Run Canteen & Bookshop
The Parents Association (PA) of Presec Staff School could soon face suppliers of Books for the school in Court after management mismanaged the facility resulting in the loss of over GHC200,000.00 which cannot be accounted for.
Painstaking investigations conducted by this paper have established that the school canteen which hitherto was being run by the PA, has been closed down because there is no money to run the canteen.
It could be recalled that management of the school and Parents Association have locked horns on several occasions over the mismanagement of the school.
According to our checks, the last time the PA stepped aside; there was enough capital to run the canteen. However, currently, the situation in the school as regards the canteen is terrible.
This paper can say with authority that the school canteen has been closed due to the inability of the school management to continue funding the facility.
It is obvious that the Capital and Profit accrued from the management of the Canteen cannot be accounted for.
There is currently hue and cry among parents who are in great fear that suppliers of books to the school would soon be chasing them for their money.
Information received is that, Chairman of the PA, had collected books to the tune of GHC200, 000.00 from suppliers for the Bookshop.
Interestingly, the books which were left at the Bookshop as at the time the PA was stepping aside are nowhere to be found.
The Bookshop, this paper has established, was opened and the books sold out with the proceeds allegedly shared among teachers of the school.
The inability of the school to run the bookshop and raise money to pay suppliers has landed the PA into serious trouble with suppliers who have threatened Court action.
According to the aggrieved parents, the school management must be made to account for the collapse of the school bookshop and canteen.
They noted that whether the issues have been resolved or not, they want those facilities to run.
According to them, since no government school management is allowed to run any profit venture in the school, it would be proper for the PA to take over these facilities, run them as they used to so as to raise enough money for the effective management of the school.
Meanwhile, a visit to the school has revealed a rather bizarre situation of the school deteriorating, desks have broken down and children are packed in fives on two desks in classrooms.
Some classes currently have about 80 pupils in a class.
Parents, who expressed grievances over this development, indicated that considering the COVID situation in the country, they agitated vehemently against packing of their children in the classrooms which led management to fall on the Secondary School for an extra classroom block for the pupils.
“But what happens if the Secondary School decides to take over their block, where are the children going,” a parent asked.
Information is that an order was issued from the Ghana Education Service (GES) asking the PA to step aside for three months whilst solutions are sought for the impasse.
Interestingly, the three months given to the PA to step aside elapsed in
January, 2020.
It has further been established that the PA was informed about the establishment of an interim management to oversee the affairs in the school until the issues between parents and management are resolved.
The supposed Interim Management has also elapsed its period and yet the PA is yet to be informed about whatever decision there is to the issues facing the school.
This paper has reliably been informed that several attempts have been made by the leadership of the PA to get Interim Management to the table but to no avail.
Zoomlion Container Chop-Chop
This paper has also gathered that, headmaster and head teachers who collected Zoomlion Containers presented bills of GHC9000.00 for each container they collected.
This, the parents consider very outrageous and a ploy to dissipate the school coffers and run the school down to its knees.
They do not understand why monies that belong to parents are cunningly being run by the Heads of the school.
Information is that Head teachers of the school want to be signatories to the PA accounts.
This level of mismanagement has indeed affected the academic work of the students.
Reliable source within the school revealed that, the school’s performance in the recent BECE was terrible and management is hiding it from parents; but individually parents are aware of how their children have performed.
The source said parents are deeply disappointed in the performance of their children all due to the mismanagement of the school.