Introductory soccer coaching course at Winneba, Nov. 19-26, 2017

As part of its mandate to train the technical human resource for sports development, the National Sports College (NSC) will host a one-week intensive course in introductory to soccer coaching.



The course, being the third within a year will run from 19th to 26th November, 2017 at the National Sports College in Winneba.

The course which is opened to the general public is aimed at training skilled persons to acquire the requisite knowledge in Soccer Coaching so as to prepare and nurture young and upcoming soccer talents.

Resource persons for the course are Coach Anthony Edusei, Coach Oti Akenten; Technical Director for the Ghana Football Association,Head Coach of the Black Queens, Mas-Ud Didi Dramani and Prof. Joseph Mintah.

Story by Sammy Heywood Okine

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