Let’s Devote Ourselves To God, Than Politics – Rev. Dawood

Rev. Dawood

The minister in charge of the Voice of Christ Mission-Ghana in Agona Swedru, Rev. Jewett Barnes Dawood has revealed that the current situation facing the country is because Ghanaians have devoted much of their time to politics rather than God, thereby neglecting His word which, when obeyed, will direct the steps of the country’s political leaders.

Speaking in an interview with Ghananews247.com, he said until the nation realize this and turns to God for redirection, the country will continue to experience even severe hardship than it is currently witnessing.

He also called for total banishment of all activities of occult practices in the media, especially television, as they are an abomination to God and contribute to the problems facing the country. According to him, the practices of these occult groups promote ritual sacrifices which has led to the increasing cases of ritual killings in the country in recent times.

He later blamed the media for allowing itself to be used by these groups because of money.

Meanwhile, an associate minister of the church, Rev. Ebenezer Baffoe has also appealed to the youth in the country to heed to the advice of the elderly, particularly their parents and desist from acts such as occultic practices for money, which he said, has the tendency of destroying their future.

He pointed out that majority of the youth of today have become a liability to the society because of the influence of their peers, and blamed the situation on the neglect of responsibilities by some parents.


By: Robert Ayanful

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