Samson Asaki Awingobit, a Flagbearer Hopeful on the ticket of the PNC, has urged government to likewise provide some stimulus package for the informal sector as plans have been advanced by the Akuffo Addo led government to provide some form of stimulus package to the business community in the wake of the negative impact caused by the COVID-19 virus on businesses.
In a short message, Samson Asaki Awingobit said the informal sector is one of the largest sectors in the country, therefore members of that sector stands a great chance of being affected during and after the planned lockdown.
Read His Message Below:
With plans far advanced by the Akuffo Addo led government to provide some form of stimulus package to the business community in the wake of the negative impact caused by the COVID-19 virus on businesses, I Samson Asaki Awingobit, a Flagbearer Hopeful on the ticket of the PNC, will urge government to also consider providing same support to workers in the informal sector. We know the informal sector is one of the largest sectors in the country, therefore members of that sector stands a great chance of being affected during and after the planned lockdown being considered by the government. I believe, the reduction of trasnport fares, subsicidies In farming materials, utilities and other essential areas, will go as long way to ease the burden of the informal sectors, as the COVID-19 Pandemic continues to spread. I would also urged government to ensure the distribution of hand sanitizers and PPEs to members in the informal sector and that of the various CHIP compounds in the rural areas, which would be the first place of call should there be emergency cases during and after the lockdown. Governemnt must also strengthen state institutions such as the Information Service Department and the National Commission on Civic Education financially, to intensify it education on the Coronavirus in the rural areas.
Samson Asaki Awingobit