Prof Andy Birinkorang had emerged the next Pro Vice Chancellor of the University of Education (UEW), Winneba.
He polled 284 votes cast in the election held on Friday to elect a Pro VC for the University, leading Professor Yaw Ameyaw and Prof Dominic Mensah who polled 110 and 63 votes respectfully across all the four (4) campuses of the University.
Results Kumasi from the Kumasi campus indicated that Prof. Ofori-Birikorang had 69 votes, Prof. Ameyaw 18 votes and Prof Dominic 11 votes.
Results from the other campuses are that, “Ajumako: Prof. Birikorang 31, Prof. Dominic 2 and Prof. Ameyaw 1. Mampong campus: Prof. Ameyaw 7, Prof Dominic 8, Prof. Ofori-Birikorang 20. At the Winneba campus, Prof Andy had 164, Prof Ameyaw 84 and Prof Dominic 42.
The election was however made possible after the Winneba High Court presided over by Her Ladyship Justice Janapare Bartels-Kodwo, on Monday 18th November, 2019, threw out an injunction and certiorari applications filed by a certain Frimpong Kaakyire Duku, against the University of Education, Winneba (UEW).
Frimpong Kaakyire Duku had challenged the Vice-Chancellor’s power to nominate three candidates for the Pro-Vice-Chancellor election at the University.
Having obtained this ‘clearance’ from the court of competent jurisdiction, the university swiftly moved into action by making all the necessary arrangements and providing the required materials, for the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Pro-VC) election to take place.