Prophet Patrick Amoako; the visioneer and host of Next Level Conference comes your way again with the Special Edition of the Next Level Conference 2019 dubbed: “Taking Dominion”.
Accordingto him, this Conference seeks to bring to light that man was created in the image of God and was empowered to have dominion over the earth and every living thing on it (Gen 1:26-28). Hence children of God should not allow the enemy take away what belongs to them as stated in John 10:10 ” the devil came to steal, kill and destroy….” but must arise and take possession of what rightly belongs to them.
Prophet Patrick Amoako is a Pastor at Parliament Chapel International under the able leadership of Apostle Francis Amoako Attah and serves under Sonnie Badu Ministries (SBM) in Ghana founded by Dr Sonnie Badu.
According to him, lots of people today are searching for their purpose in life and that this event provides abundant opportunities for Christians and non-believers to reach out with the supernatural power and knowledge of God that will champion them into the next level of their lives.
In an interview, Prophet Patrick Amoako said the battle against darkness is not diminishing, and that the world is entering into what the Bible calls the fullness of time, hence much is at stake.
“God is positioning us to advance His kingdom into every realm held captive by the enemy and to be successful, we must understand our authority in Christ—what some call “Kingdom Authority” or “Dominion Rule.” – Prophet Amoako.
He also said that: “Dominion Rule has become a regular confession among many believers. The church’s voice is resounding with the desire to see the manifestation of our God-given assignment to rule and reign over the earth as stated in Gen. 1:26-28.
He added that authority does not come through confession because Authority is uncompromisingly tied to responsibility.
God has called us to be His kingdom representatives on earth, to establish a righteous paradigm and we need more than power to do that. When we identify the areas over which He has given us influence and commit to being agents of change in them, everything we need to transform the culture and draw the lost to Him is made available to us—favor, creativity, power, wisdom and so on. Taking Dominion therefore requires more than simply welding authority in the name of Jesus. However, It requires knowledge, understanding and the rightful use of our position in Christ. To discover what that position is, we need to look at God’s original plan and purpose for mankind,” he said.
Prophet Patrick Amoako also revealed that the coming conference will see great men of God like Apostle Francis Amoako Atta – Founder and Leader of Parliament Chapel International, Bishop Tackie Yaboi of the Victory Bible Church International.
The Next Level Conference will take place at the African Regent Hotel at 5pm with the TY Crew – our sensational music team taking the conference to a higher level with their song ministration.