The Matrilineal Tease Is Ghetto Belief

Venerable Nathaniel Nii Naate Atswele Agbo Nartey Ph.D, B.Psy. D.S.D

The manner with which some GaDaŋmes have satirized families of a matrilineal lineage does not just affect the notion of seniority and the right of superiority but it casts chaff on being so house-proud.

The matrilineal and patrilineal heirs have equal rights in family leadership. In most cases, Wekuyitso/Wekunukpa is appointed from MAN-FEMALE line and Maŋtse/Dzaase from MAN-MALE line. This is not new to GaDaŋme; it’s already in existence in our cultural fiber; just that​ we lack the inner strength to do in difficult situations what is customarily right.

The outwards evidence is noticed in the quality of a noble lifestyle for those tribes who think both patrilineal and matrilineal interpolation is the right practice for royals. That’s what is called All-Inclusive Family Enterprise, a superlative family practices that enforce members’ contribution to the welfare of the family. Futurable cultural deeds that enhance security and progress of the relatives with no self-centeredness.
In Aneje We, for example, while those from the patrilineal are frenziedly into power struggle, the matrilineal are busy lifting up their image through the beautification of family homes, houses, etc.

God had always had focus on the MAN-MALE factor. In His selection for choice of His appointment and mandate, He looks for a MALE with a pure heart, not matriarchal or patriarchal. Queen Elizabeth could not have replaced her father, King James; her brother or cousins should have been, yet she reigned as the longest serving monarch.

The following are prominent personalities in Ga Chieftaincy history who inherited their reigning status from their female side.
1. Ayikuma Tieku Baah whose father was an Adansi native, Ofori Ankama from Akrokeri in Asante.
2. ⁠Okaidja (the founder of Gbese in Accra) whose mother Korkoi Motabara was also the daughter of the same Ofori Ankama almost became the Ga Mantse but was then pacified with the “ADONTEN” position as well as the Gbese Mantse.
3. ⁠Mantse Tackie Tawiah whose grandmother Korkoi Akyereku, the only daughter of Ga Mantse Teiko Tsuru was married to Ayikai Tsuru from Aneje We which produced three children namely; Korkoifio, Teiko Doku & Adaku Ashong. Teiko Doku then begat Mantse Tackie Tawiah of blessed memory.
Do you know what gave rise to the many problems with today’s GaMaŋtseyeli? It’s unfortunate to say; it was the same matriarchal and patriarchal issues. The committee that was formed to search for a royal for Ga Mashie Maŋtse apparently claimed they could not nominate any gentleman from Abola, Piam, Kpatashie or Tuma We, who was competent to serve as the King of Mashie in the Ga Maŋtse palace. So, they sent the scepter to the next gate, which was Teiko Tsuru We; the chairman of this same committee was then nominated and ordained from matrilineal line as Ga Mashie Maŋtse. It is so funny that till today, Teiko Tsurus continue to fight amongst themselves over what does not belong to them.

-Venerable Nathaniel Nii Naate Atswele Agbo Nartey Ph.D, B.Psy. D.S.D

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