The least said about Victor K. Owusu and his lack of knowledge of court proceedings, the better.
It doesn’t matter which Judge presides over the UEW case, it is still going to be the 1992 Constitution and all other relevant laws in force at the material time, that will be applied by the Judge to the facts put before the court by the plaintiff and the respondent to enable the court arrive at a ‘constitutional’ decision. The embattled officials can even go to Nigeria and hire public relations practitioners to come to Ghana and spew out all the lies in this world to back their hollow stand like one politician did just before the 2016 general elections, the rule of law will still triumph at the end of the day.
Anyone who believes that the UEW legal tussle can be won by spewing out outright fabricated falsehoods in the media, about anyone who is in support of the judicial process running its normal course, is in for a tough time.
An ex governing council member of UEW, hereinafter referred to as ex councillor, put out some garbage in the media about 2 days ago which at best cannot score one out of hundred in a first year LLB in class test.
So, this very worried ex councillor is not really worried about the fatal grammatical errors in his submission but very worried about alleged illegalities he took part in perpetuating? At least, rookie Victor K. Owusu knows that you should have used malfeasance, instead of malfeasant. Mr. worried ex councillor, please see Victor K. Owusu in that regard. If you even want to know who anyone in this world is in ‘bed’ with, apart from Victor K. Owusu and his apparatchiks, talk to him.
No wonder during the period that you were a council member, you participated in approving ‘killer’ fees for UEW students. Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) students pay not less Ghc 500 for internship and a similar amount as training fees. These 2 ‘killer’ fees alone put an extra Ghc 1,000 on the fees all BBA students.
For the so-called training, a resource person brought in to facilitate the training is paid an insulting Ghc 600 NOT per hour or per day, but for an entire session notwithstanding the span of time.
Each student is also given a bottle of malt and one meat pie. Mr. Ex councillor, are you not worried about this daylight robbery of poor Ghanaians?
Also, regarding internship, lecturers at the Business School were stopped from going on internship supervision last academic year (2016/17). Naturally, those students who are now rendering their national service should have been refunded about 80% of their internship fees, but not even a pesewa or reasonable explanation has been offered them for this naked robbery.
The mentors at the institutions where the students are accepted for their internship are supposed to be paid Ghc 40 per student accepted for the internship. For well over 3 years now, not a single mentor has been paid this money.
I supervised some students on internship during the 2015/16 academic year at a medical facility and was ashamed of being a staff of UEW. A very old medical practitioner informed me that for the last 3 years, as of December 2015, he was never paid the Ghc 40 per student he mentored. He thought I was bringing him the money when he encountered me as a lecturer from UEW coming to conduct internship supervision. Students are charged not less than Ghc 500 for a service for which Ghc 100 can realistically provide that service. Mr. Ex councillor, are you not worried about this?
Are you not really worried that a ‘vampire’ at UEW has taken almost all Ghanaians for a ride, to enrich himself and a few cronies like yourself at the expense of poor Ghanaians? This ‘vampire’ devises crafty ways of taking money from parents whose wards are studying at UEW, invest these funds, and take his cut of 3% or 5% in the name of honorarium payment on income claiming to be directly involved in the income generation.
Is it the lecturer who has no office to operate from, but stands in front of an overcrowded classroom to deliver the core mandate of the university, or someone chilling off in an air conditioned office together with the fastest Wifi connection who is directly involved in the income generation of UEW?
Mr. Ex councillor, are you not worried about lecturers delivering the core mandate of UEW, not being recognised as being directly involved in the income generation?
It is evident from your article that you “can’t think far”, so I have to digress a little here.
All UEW staff deserve a honorarium payment for being directly involved in the income generation.
For example, UEW security guards provide security at all campuses of UEW, thus enabling all and sundry to go about their daily routines, peacefully. This peaceful existing atmosphere is spread around the world, and ends up attracting more students to UEW, whose fees are then invested by a ‘vampire’ who then manipulates other ‘greedy bastards’ to approve a stinking to high heaven looting conduit pipe, cleverly termed honorarium payment to so-called officials directly involved in the income generated. Where is the fairness in this Mr. Ex councillor? Are you not worried about this ‘monkey de work baboon de chop’ setting? Are the security guards not human beings like you and your fellow ‘blood sucking vampires’?
Mr. Ex councillor, so you are not worried that apart from you and your other partners in national funds looting, who get their allowances and other claims paid within the hour, all allowances and claims for the ‘nobodies’ at UEW takes not less than 3 months to be processed?
Are you not worried that, national laws provides for 15 days annual leave, and you participated in perpetuating an ‘illegality’ by approving over 60 days annual leave for a selected few? If anyone wants over 60 days annual leave, are they not better off resigning from their positions and going on a permanent vacation? If section 20 (1) of the Labour Act 2003, (Act 651) provides for statutory leave of not less than 15 days, doesn’t mean that over 60 days annual leave is granted to your cronies. Would you approve 62 days annual leave for the Directors of a company you happen to be a shareholder?
Are you not worried that you are so daft that you fail to comprehend that a Presidential Directive has no legal authority whatsoever over the 1992 Constitution, or any Act of Parliament?
All those contracts which are being disputed by the Akpeteshie seller, regarding procedural irregularities in the award process, would be looked at with a microscopic lens Vis-a-Vis the 1992 Constitution, the Public Procurement Act 2003 (Act 663) (PPA 2003), as amended. Your vain explanations have no legal basis whatsoever! A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), cannot take precedence over an Act of Parliament. If an MoU should have legal precedence over an Act of Parliament, then what will be the reason for government wasting tax payers moneys in running a Public Procurement Authority in addition to appointing a Minister for that grey area?
It is apparent from your submissions that you are one of those who were basically on the UEW governing council, for the allowances sake, and not for any other reason. Without mincing words, you are counselled freely to start talking to a good lawyer, as that is your only avenue out of a possible time in jail. The naked robbery you lot indulged in at UEW, could only have taken place with semi literates like you packed on the council. What economic or productive input could you have offered in the formulation of a viable policy, given the fact that malfeasance caused you nightmares?
This is not a case that will be decided by the ‘court of public opinion’ based on the sponsored, desperate and incoherent explanations you goofed out there. A majority of discerning Ghanaians, have been fleeced to the bone by you and your co-conspirators, so you should be prepared to face the consequences of your shameful actions or inactions during your tenure at UEW. Your tacit appeal to Ghanaians to rise up against the judiciary, is akin to the failed attempt by a selfish and inward looking ex UTAG executives, to link a purely legal issue with so-called academic freedom.
Rest assured, Mr. Ex councillor with your sorrowful and wishful snarls, that the unbending arms of the 1992 Constitution, the PPA 2003, and other relevant laws of this country, will surely catch up with you.
Source: Alhassan Salifu Bawah
(son of a peasant farmer)