The cry of the NDC Party members, especially the grassroots and the FOOTSOLDIERS are all over the place. They could still not come to terms with the humiliated election defeat that stared the individual members in the face.
In Ghana’s election history, the party that won the Presidential slot always win a majority seat in parliament. However, this time round something fishy has happened. Many unusual things also happened giving rise to loss of lives and maiming of people who went to the polls to exercise their civil rights. Above all, the verdict was stolen to favour who didn’t deserve it. For the first time in the history of election declaration in Ghana, election results were changed over and over again even after the dust of the election was settled down two days after the elections. When questions were raised as to why such changes, the responses were’ Go to court” as if they knew what was in stock at the law courts awaiting the petitioner.
In our Traditional courts , when two people are at war, the arbitrator would like to hear from both litigants to draw a line of solutions for peace to prevail. In the 2012 election petition, the wire Judges reasoned in that direction. This time round what happened? The Ghanaian populace was left jaw down when the chairperson was aided to avoid questions that were promised the Petitioner to preserve and to be allowed to ask at the right time because the’ bridge was not yet created to be crossed.’ The whole judicial process was like 7 justices against the Petitioner. The entire justices at the Supreme Court became defendants of the respondents. This has generated the word ‘ unanimous’ in all the proceedings and the judgement. As the judicial process proceeded, the average Ghanaian who was discerning knew where the judges were heading to. The NDC was dumbfounded when the verdict finally came out as unanimous.
The only consolation left to the Grassroots and the Footsoldiers was that there is a parliamentary parity that assured all Ghanaians that no filthy or dubious deals would easily sail through parliament as was in the past like the PDS, Agyapa, Kroll and Associates and many many others passed without any hindrances.
As if to put more salt into an injury of the folks, we saw our Parliamentary representatives on whom we’re counting for strong scrutiny on all public bills looked on for certain nominees targeted as notorious to pass their vetting without any difficulty.
As if that too wasn’t enough, the 2021 budget proposals which were said to have many lapses and needed corrections were also passed on the blind side of the NDC parliamentarians. With all due respect, what’s the problem with you the parliamentarians?
You have made our hopes dashed to the dogs. The respect you’ve commanded have vanished into the thin air. Many party faithful without voices would have loved to speak. When comrade Sammy Gyamfi spoke for the voiceless, both sides of the House wanted his flesh. The dumbs in the party are now speaking. We all love the NDC party. Some people have laid down their lives for the party. Let’s value their shed blood and do the needful. May their perfect souls RIP.
The late founder JJ Rawlings said it all. ‘ Don’t underrate the NPP, they have been around for a long time. They are the same people and they only keep changing their name’
They are comfortable and crafty.
One would ask how at all they could mathematically override you in serious decisions in the house of parliament? Where is your boot for boot tag? The NPP has seen your weak points. They would continue bullying you with numbers knowing how to play their cards.
The Agyapa deal is coming into parliament again. The Pads is going to come with a different name. Many more stinking deals of such type would show their ugly head in parliament since the NPP knows your weak points.
The NDC GRASSROOTS are not at ease. The anger is there. Know that you rode on the back of the NDC to enter Parliament. Play your roles as an Opposition Party worth dying for. Be wise as the serpent for all eyes is on you.
Francis Darrah
At. Italy Chapter Secretary NDC