An entourage consisting the Director General and some senior management members of GPHA has toured all key areas identified as entry and exit points of the Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority to inspect the level of preparedness of the Authority in combating the importation and/or spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
In addition to the provision of hand sanitizers, soaps and running water, the Port Authority has ensured that all who engage the operational and administrative areas of the port have their temperature checked as the organisation is pursuing different methods to contribute to the national drive to inhibit the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
The Director General of GPHA, Michael Luguje said the Port Authority will ensure it puts together the needed logistics to augment the organisation’s capacity to help the national emergency action.
“We are providing the necessary budget to get the resources that are required for us to be able to contain and prevent this pandemic,” he said.
G.P.H.A. assures all of its cherished stakeholders that it is committed to doing any and everything in its power to safeguard the health and economic interests of all Port users and the country as a whole.
In a related development, the General Manager of Health Services at the Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority, Dr. Vitus Anaab-Bisi has revealed that the Health Services Department of the Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority, has designated some staff to be specially trained as front line officers to deal with all cases related to the coronavirus.
He also said currently, drastic procedures are being taken to ensure patients who show symptoms of Coronavirus (COVID-19), are not only given the maximum attention, but are also completely isolated from other patients and staff of the G.P.H.A. clinics.
So far, no positive cases have been recorded from the sea Ports of Ghana.