As part of the drive to enhance the domestic tourism in the country, the Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA) has launched its maiden edition of “Let’s Tour Ghana Club” at a ceremony at its head office in Accra.
The move is to tap into the domestic tourism potentials in the country and also challenged the citizenry to develop the passion to visit the country’s tourism attractions dotted across the country.
According the Authority, the country is blessed with a lot of tourism sites and urged Ghanaians to visit and explore the cultural and traditional ways of life of other regions.
Speaking at the launch, the Deputy Chief Executive, in Charge of Technical Services, GTA Mr. Ekow Sampson said the initiative will promote local tourism which will enable Ghanaians to have a feel of the lifestyle of others, such as festivals food, cultural, traditional norms and how other regions are endowed with the wonderful gifts of nature in the forms of rivers, lakes, mountains, forests, sea and monuments of historical records.
He however urged institutions to form tourist clubs in their respective offices and embark on holidays for a change in their lifestyle and works and urged hoteliers to offer discounts to vacation on domestic tourism by offering moderate rates of their hotels and again called on them to register with the local GTA offices for a smooth promotion of the domestic tourism.
In a remark, the Deputy Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Finance and Administration, GTA, Mr Isaac Adomako–Mensah, assured that the “Let’s Tour Ghana Club” will have the full support of the Authority to enable it achieve the desired aim in challenging Ghanaians to feel Ghana, wear Ghana and eat Ghana.
“According to him the initative will be well promoted to boost local tourism as well as job creation in and around all tourist sites and destination”, he added and pointed out that it will bring to bear unity among the citizenry to learn from each other’s historical perspectives.
For her part, the Director of Marketing of GTA, Madam Robertha Dawson-Amoah said domestic tourism when properly natured will boost the tourism potentials at the local level as well as the bedrock of the Authority and urged Ghanaians to explore their regions and backyard.
She urged the Ghanaians to travel in groups and also be a member of a domestic travelling club and invite others to join in their travelling expeditions to explore the tourism potentials of the country.
Report by Ben LARYEA