Akins of the embattled chief of Prampram, Nene Tetteh Wakah II, have petioned a Tema High Court to compell the Paramount Stool Father in the person of Numo Osabu Abbey IV, to handover keys to the sacred stool room.
The petition which is being spearheaded by one Naomi Annorkor Abbey, (the most elderly woman of the Annor We Royal family), is praying the court to also rule on placing an embargo on Numo Osabu Abbey IV, from holding himself as Family head of the Annor We Royal family and as well the Paramount Stool father.
According to the petitioners, Numo Osabu Abbey IV who was appointed as acting Stool Father in the absence of one Numo Osabu Teye Larbi Abbey, who was indisposed at that time, has refused to vacate the position and also handover keys to the sacred room which houses the sacred black Stool for the past 5 years. They avered that, the refusal by Numo Osabu Abbey IV has stalled the performance of some key rituals and customs by the chief of Prampram Nene Tetteh Wakah III who according to the petitioners, is also the Head of the Annor We Royal family.
However, the suit filed by the plaintiffs in this matter has exposed the legitimacy of Nene Tetteh Wakah II as chief of Prampram.
An elder of Prampram avered that, this latest petition goes a long way to confirm their stance that Nene Tetteh Wakah cannot hold himself as chief of Prampram since he has not been placed in the sacred stool room nor been made to sit on the sacred black Stool as customs demand.
With the current petition, elders of the 3 Royal families in Prampram say, they have enough evidence to butter their claims that the said Michael Quarcopome Parker also known as Nene Tetteh Wakah who was illegally gazetted by the Greater Accra Regional House of Chiefs, has never been a chief of Prampram, since he has not satisfied all the necessary customary requirements to call himself a chief.